Pronunciation: (hoof, hf), [key] — n., pl. v. hoofs hooves hoof
—n. - the horny covering protecting the ends of the digits or encasing the foot in certain animals, as the ox and horse. See diag. under
- the entire foot of a horse, donkey, etc.
- a hoofed animal, esp. one of a herd.
- the human foot.
- (of livestock) not butchered; live: The city youngsters were seeing lambs on the hoof for the first time.
—v.t. - to walk (often fol. by it): Let's hoof it to the supermarket.
—v.i. - to dance, esp. to tap-dance: He's been hoofing at the Palladium.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.