Pronunciation: (hop), [key] — v., n. hopped, hop•ping,
—v.i. - to make a short, bouncing leap; move by leaping with all feet off the ground.
- to spring or leap on one foot.
- to make a short, quick trip, esp. in an airplane: He hopped up to Boston for the day.
- to travel or move frequently from one place or situation to another (usually used in combination): to island-hop; to job-hop.
- to dance.
—v.t. - to jump over; clear with a hop: The sheep hopped the fence.
- to board or get onto a vehicle: to hop a plane.
- to cross in an airplane: We hopped the Atlantic in five hours.
- to begin to move, become active, or do something immediately: You'd better hop to it if you intend to buy groceries before the market closes.
—n. - an act of hopping; short leap.
- a leap on one foot.
- a journey, esp. a short trip by air.
- a dance or dancing party.
- a bounce or rebound of a moving object, as a ball: She caught the ball on the first hop.
Pronunciation: (hop), [key] — n., v., hopped, hop•ping.
—n. - any twining plant of the genus Humulus, bearing male flowers in loose clusters and female flowers in conelike forms.
- the dried ripe cones of the female flowers of this plant, used in brewing, medicine, etc.
- a narcotic drug, esp. opium.
—v.t. - to treat or flavor with hops.
- They hopped the crowd up with fiery speeches.
- to excite; make enthusiastic:They hopped the crowd up with fiery speeches.
- to add to the power of:The kids hopped up the motor of their jalopy.
- to stimulate by narcotics.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.