Pronunciation: (hōz), [key] — n., pl. v., hose hos•es hos•en hosed, hos•ing.
—n. - a flexible tube for conveying a liquid, as water, to a desired point: a garden hose; a fire hose.
- an article of clothing for the foot and lower part of the leg; stocking or sock.
- (of men's attire in former times)
- an article of clothing for the leg, extending from about the knee to the ankle and worn with knee breeches.
- (used with a pl. v.) knee breeches.
- (used with a pl. v.) tights, as were worn with, and usually attached to, a doublet.
- a sheath, or sheathing part, as that enclosing a kernel of grain.
- hosel.
—v.t. - to water, wash, spray, or drench by means of a hose (often fol. by down): to hose the garden; to hose down the ship's deck.
- to cheat, trick, or take advantage of.
- to defeat decisively.
- to reject.
- Chiefly Mil.to attack or assault (an area) in order to gain control quickly (sometimes fol. by down).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.