Pronunciation: (hûrt), [key] — v., n., adj. hurt, hurt•ing,
—v.t. - to cause bodily injury to; injure: He was badly hurt in the accident.
- to cause bodily pain to or in: The wound still hurts him.
- to damage or decrease the efficiency of (a material object) by striking, rough use, improper care, etc.: Moths can't hurt this suit because it's mothproof. Dirty oil can hurt a car's engine.
- to affect adversely; harm: to hurt one's reputation; It wouldn't hurt the lawn if you watered it more often.
- to cause mental pain to; offend or grieve: She hurt his feelings by not asking him to the party.
—v.i. - to feel or suffer bodily or mental pain or distress: My back still hurts.
- to cause bodily or mental pain or distress: The blow to his pride hurt most.
- to cause injury, damage, or harm.
- to suffer want or need.
—n. - a blow that inflicts a wound; bodily injury or the cause of such injury.
- injury, damage, or harm.
- the cause of mental pain or offense, as an insult.
- a rounded azure.
—adj. - physically injured: The hurt child was taken to the hospital.
- offended; unfavorably affected: hurt pride.
- suggesting that one has been offended or is suffering in mind: Take that hurt look off your face!
- damaged: hurt merchandise.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.