interior: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (in-tēr'ē-ur), [key]
— adj.
  1. being within; inside of anything; internal; inner; further toward a center: the interior rooms of a house.
  2. of or pertaining to that which is within; inside: an interior view.
  3. situated well inland from the coast or border: the interior towns of a country.
  4. of or pertaining to the inland.
  5. domestic: interior trade.
  6. private or hidden; inner: interior negotiations of the council.
  7. pertaining to the mind or soul; mental or spiritual: the interior life.
  1. the internal or inner part; inside.
    1. the inside part of a building, considered as a whole from the point of view of artistic design or general effect, convenience, etc.
    2. a single room or apartment so considered.
  2. a pictorial representation of the inside of a room.
  3. the inland parts of a region, country, etc.: the Alaskan interior.
  4. the domestic affairs of a country as distinguished from its foreign affairs: the Department of the Interior.
  5. the inner or inward nature or character of anything.
  6. the largest open set contained in a given set, as the points in a circle not including the boundary.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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