Pronunciation: (kid), [key] — n., v., adj. kid•ded, kid•ding,
—n. - a child or young person.
- (used as a familiar form of address.)
- a young goat.
- leather made from the skin of a kid or goat, used in making shoes and gloves.
- a glove made from this leather.
—v.i., v.t. - (of a goat) to give birth to (young).
—adj. - made of kidskin.
- younger: his kid sister.
Pronunciation: (kid), [key] — v., kid•ded, kid•ding.
—v.t. - to talk or deal jokingly with; banter; jest with: She is always kidded about her accent.
- to humbug or fool.
—v.i. - to speak or act deceptively in jest; jest.
Pronunciation: (kid), [key] - See
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.