to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.
to destroy; do away with; extinguish: His response killed our hopes.
to destroy or neutralize the active qualities of: to kill an odor.
to spoil the effect of: His extra brushwork killed the painting.
to cause (time) to be consumed with seeming rapidity or with a minimum of boredom, esp. by engaging in some easy activity or amusement of passing interest: I had to kill three hours before plane time.
to spend (time) unprofitably: He killed ten good years on that job.
to overcome completely or with irresistible effect: That comedian kills me.
to muffle or deaden: This carpet kills the sound of footsteps.
to cause distress or discomfort to: These new shoes are killing me.
to tire completely; exhaust: The long hike killed us.
to consume completely: They killed a bottle of bourbon between them.
to cancel publication of (a word, paragraph, item, etc.), esp. after it has been set in type.
to defeat or veto (a legislative bill, etc.).
to render (a circuit) dead.
to stop the operation of (machinery, engines, etc.): He killed the motor and the car stopped.
to hit (a ball) with such force that its return is impossible.
to deoxidize (steel) before teeming into an ingot mold.
to eliminate springiness from (wire or the like).
to cold-roll (sheet metal) after final heat treatment in order to eliminate distortion.
to prevent the opposing team from scoring in the course of (a penalty being served by a teammate or teammates).
to inflict or cause death.
to commit murder.
to be killed.
to overcome completely; produce an irresistible effect: dressed to kill.
to feel a smarting pain, as from a minor accident; sting: I stubbed my little toe and that really kills.
The invaders killed off all the inhabitants of the town.
to destroy completely; kill, esp. successively or indiscriminately:The invaders killed off all the inhabitants of the town. extinguish; eliminate:The bus ride every day kills off all of my energy.
to overdo in one's efforts to be kind: The aunts would kill their nephews and nieces with kindness.
the act of killing, esp. game: The hounds moved in for the kill.
an animal or animals killed.
a number or quantity killed.
an act or instance of hitting or destroying a target, esp. an enemy aircraft.