Pronunciation: (lag), [key] — v., n. lagged, lag•ging,
—v.i. - to fail to maintain a desired pace or to keep up; fall or stay behind: After five minutes of hard running, some of them began to lag.
- to move or develop slowly, as toward a goal or objective, or in relation to an associated factor (often fol. by behind): to lag behind in production.
- to delay or fail in reaching full development: The factory lags regularly in making its quota.
- to hang back; linger; delay: The old friends lagged because they wanted to talk some more.
- to decrease, wane, or flag gradually, as in intensity: Interest lagged as the meeting went on.
- to throw one's shooting marble toward a lineon the ground in order to decide on the order of play.
- string (def. 17b).
—v.t. - to fail to keep up with: The industry still lags the national economy.
- to cause to lag.
—n. - a lagging or falling behind; retardation.
- a person who lags behind, is the last to arrive, etc.
- an interval or lapse of time: There was a developmental lag in the diffusion of ideas.
- the amount of retardation of some motion.
- the retardation of one alternating quantity, as current, with respect to another related alternating quantity, as voltage, often expressed in degrees.
- the act of lagging.
Pronunciation: (lag), [key] — v., n. lagged, lag•ging,
—v.t. - to send to penal servitude; imprison.
—n. - a convict or ex-convict.
- a period or term of penal servitude; prison sentence.
Pronunciation: (lag), [key] — n., v., lagged, lag•ging.
—n. - one of the staves or strips that form the periphery of a wooden drum, the casing of a steam cylinder, or the like.
- a crosspiece between ribs in a centering.
—v.t. - to line or cover (an excavation) with lagging.
- to cover with insulation, as a steam boiler, to prevent radiation of heat.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.