/ Dictionary / Index L land: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: land Pronunciation: (land), [key] —v.t. to bring to or set on land: to land passengers or goods from a ship; to land an airplane. to bring into or cause to arrive in a particular place, position, or condition: His behavior will land him in jail. to catch or capture; gain; win: to land a job. to bring (a fish) to land, or into a boat, etc., as with a hook or a net. —v.i. to come to land or shore: The boat lands at Cherbourg. to go or come ashore from a ship or boat. to alight upon a surface, as the ground, a body of water, or the like: to land on both feet. to hit or strike the ground, as from a height: The ball landed at the far side of the court. to strike and come to rest on a surface or in something: The golf ball landed in the lake. to come to rest or arrive in a particular place, position, or condition (sometimes fol. by up): to land in trouble; to land up 40 miles from home. to reprimand; criticize: His mother landed on him for coming home so late. See(def. 27). Land Pronunciation: (land), [key] 1909–91, U.S. inventor and businessman: created the Polaroid camera. -land Pronunciation: [key] a combining form ofhinterland; lowland. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: land (Thesaurus) lancinate land agent Related Content Daily Word Quiz: arboreal Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language