/ Dictionary / Index L last: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: last Pronunciation: (last, läst), [key] — late later —adv. after all others; latest: He arrived last at the party. on the most recent occasion: When last seen, the suspect was wearing a checked suit. in the end; finally; in conclusion. —n. a person or thing that is last. a final appearance or mention: We've seen the last of her. That's the last we'll hear of it. the end or conclusion: We are going on vacation the last of September. after a lengthy pause or delay: He was lost in thought for several minutes, but at last he spoke. after much troublesome or frustrating delay: The ship docked at long last. to die: He was nearly 90 when he breathed his last. last Pronunciation: (last, läst), [key] — v.i. to go on or continue in time: The festival lasted three weeks. to continue unexpended or unexhausted; be enough: We'll enjoy ourselves while our money lasts. to continue in force, vigor, effectiveness, etc.: to last for the whole course. to continue or remain in usable condition for a reasonable period of time: They were handsome shoes but they didn't last. —v.t. to continue to survive for the duration of (often fol. by out): They lasted the war in Switzerland. last Pronunciation: (last, läst), [key] — n. a wooden or metal form in the shape of the human foot on which boots or shoes are shaped or repaired. the shape or form of a shoe. to keep to that work, field, etc., in which one is competent or skilled. —v.t. to shape on or fit to a last. last Pronunciation: (last, läst), [key] — n. any of various large units of weight or capacity, varying in amount in different localities and for different commodities, often equivalent to 4000 pounds (1814.37 kilograms). Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: last (Thesaurus) lasso last-born Related Content Daily Word Quiz: arboreal Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language