Pronunciation: (lôr'ul, lor'-), [key] — n., v., -reled, -rel•ing -relled, -rel•ling.
—n. - Also calleda small European evergreen tree, Laurus nobilis, of the laurel family, having dark, glossy green leaves. Cf. laurel family.
- any tree of the genus Laurus.
- any of various similar trees or shrubs, as the mountain laurel or the great rhododendron.
- the foliage of the laurel as an emblem of victory or distinction.
- a branch or wreath of laurel foliage.
- Usually,honor won, as for achievement in a field or activity.
- to be alert to the possibility of being excelled or surpassed: New developments in the industry are forcing long-established firms to look to their laurels.
- to be content with one's past or present honors, achievements, etc.: He retired at the peak of his career and is resting on his laurels.
—v.t. - to adorn or wreathe with laurel.
- to honor with marks of distinction.
Pronunciation: (lôr'ul, lor'-), [key] — n.
- (Arthur Stanley Jefferson), 1890–1965, U.S. motion-picture actor and comedian, born in England.
- a city in SE Mississippi. 21,897.
- a town in central Maryland. 12,103.
- a female given name.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.