lewis: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (l'is), [key]
— n.
  1. a device for lifting a dressed stone, consisting of a number of pieces fitting together to fill a dovetailed recess cut into the stone.


Pronunciation: (l'is), [key]
— n.
  1. 1904–72, British poet: poet laureate after 1968.
  2. (“Clive Hamilton”), 1898–1963, English novelist and essayist.
  3. 1875–1946, U.S. chemist.
  4. 1885–1951, U.S. novelist, playwright, and journalist: Nobel prize 1930.
  5. 1858–1931, U.S. soldier and inventor.
  6. born 1935, U.S. country-and-western and rock-'n'-roll singer, musician, and composer.
  7. born 1920, U.S. jazz pianist, composer, and musical director.
  8. 1880–1969, U.S. labor leader.
  9. (“Monk Lewis”), 1775–1809, English novelist, dramatist, and poet.
  10. 1774–1809, U.S. explorer: leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition 1804–06.
  11. 1884–1957, English novelist, essayist, and painter; born in the U.S.
  12. born 1917, U.S. biographer, literary critic, and scholar.
  13. a male given name.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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