one of the rings or separate pieces of which a chain is composed.
anything serving to connect one part or thing with another; a bond or tie: The locket was a link with the past.
a unit in a communications system, as a radio relay station or a television booster station.
any of a series of sausages in a chain.
a cuff link.
a ring, loop, or the like: a link of hair.
(in a surveyor's chain) a unit of length equal to 7.92 inches (20.12 centimeters).
one of 100 rods or loops of equal length forming a surveyor's or engineer's chain.
bond (def. 15).
a rigid, movable piece or rod, connected with other parts by means of pivots or the like, for the purpose of transmitting motion.
—v.t., v.i.
to join by or as if by a link or links; connect; unite (often fol. by up): The new bridge will link the island to the mainland. The company will soon link up with a hotel chain.