Pronunciation: (lit'l), [key] — adj., adv., n. lit•tler less less•er, lit•tlest least, less, least,
—adj. - small in size; not big; not large; tiny: a little desk in the corner of the room.
- short in duration; not extensive; short; brief: a little while.
- small in number: a little group of scientists.
- small in amount or degree; not much: little hope.
- of a certain amount; appreciable (usually prec. by a): We're having a little difficulty.
- being such on a small scale: little farmers.
- younger or youngest: He's my little brother.
- not strong, forceful, or loud; weak: a little voice.
- small in consideration, importance, position, affluence, etc.: little discomforts; tax reductions to help the little fellow.
- mean, narrow, or illiberal: a little mind.
- endearingly small or considered as such: Bless your little heart!
- amusingly small or so considered: a funny little way of laughing.
- contemptibly small, petty, mean, etc., or so considered: filthy little political tricks.
—adv. - not at all (used before a verb): He little knows what awaits him.
- in only a small amount or degree; not much; slightly: a little known work of art; little better than a previous effort.
- seldom; rarely; infrequently: We see each other very little.
—n. - a small amount, quantity, or degree: They did little to make him comfortable. If you want some ice cream, there's a little in the refrigerator.
- a short distance: It's down the road a little.
- a short time: Stay here for a little.
- on a small scale; in miniature: a replica in little of Independence Hall.
- by small degrees; gradually: The water level rose little by little.
- to make little of one's troubles.
- belittle:to make little of one's troubles.
- to understand or interpret only slightly:Scholars made little of the newly discovered text.
- to a great extent; very much; considerably: It tired me not a little to stand for three hours.
- to treat casually; regard as trivial: They think little of driving 50 miles to see a movie.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.