Pronunciation: (ls), [key] — adj., adv., v. loos•er, loos•est, loosed, loos•ing.
—adj. - free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
- free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night.
- uncombined, as a chemical element.
- not bound together: to wear one's hair loose.
- not put up in a package or other container: loose mushrooms.
- available for disposal; unused; unappropriated: loose funds.
- lacking in reticence or power of restraint: a loose tongue.
- lax, as the bowels.
- lacking moral restraint or integrity; notorious for his loose character.
- sexually promiscuous or immoral; unchaste.
- not firm, taut, or rigid: a loose tooth; a loose rein.
- relaxed or limber in nature: He runs with a loose, open stride.
- not fitting closely or tightly: a loose sweater.
- not close or compact in structure or arrangement; having spaces between the parts; open: a loose weave.
- having few restraining factors between associated constituents and allowing ample freedom for independent action: a loose federation of city-states.
- not cohering: loose sand.
- not strict, exact, or precise: a loose interpretation of the law.
- having the players on a team positioned at fairly wide intervals, as in a football formation.
- (of a ball, hockey puck, etc.) not in the possession of either team; out of player control.
- to remain relaxed and unperturbed.
- a bachelor on the loose.
- free; unconfined, as, esp., an escaped convict or circus animal.
- behaving in an unrestrained or dissolute way:a bachelor on the loose.
—adv. - in a loose manner; loosely (usually used in combination): loose-flowing.
- to free oneself; escape: The convicts broke loose.
- He was cast loose at an early age to make his own way in the world.
- to loosen or unfasten, as a ship from a mooring.
- to send forth; set adrift or free:He was cast loose at an early age to make his own way in the world.
- After the rodeo they headed into town to cut loose.
- to release from domination or control.
- to become free, independent, etc.
- to revel without restraint:After the rodeo they headed into town to cut loose.
- The guardrail let loose and we very nearly plunged over the edge.
- to free or become free.
- to yield; give way:The guardrail let loose and we very nearly plunged over the edge.
- to release or free, as from confinement: The teacher turned the children loose after the class.
—v.t. - to let loose; free from bonds or restraint.
- to release, as from constraint, obligation, or penalty.
- to set free from fastening or attachment: to loose a boat from its moorings.
- to unfasten, undo, or untie, as a bond, fetter, or knot.
- to shoot; discharge; let fly: to loose missiles at the invaders.
- to make less tight; slacken or relax.
- to render less firmly fixed; lessen an attachment; loosen.
—v.i. - to let go a hold.
- to hoist anchor; get under way.
- to shoot or let fly an arrow, bullet, etc. (often fol. by off): to loose off at a flock of ducks.
- to become loose; loosen.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.