a way of doing, being done, or happening; mode of action, occurrence, etc.: I don't like the manner in which he complained.
The novels of Jane Austen are concerned with the manners of her time.
the prevailing customs, ways of living, and habits of a people, class, period, etc.; mores:The novels of Jane Austen are concerned with the manners of her time.
ways of behaving with reference to polite standards; social comportment:That child has good manners.
a person's outward bearing; way of speaking to and treating others: She has a charming manner.
characteristic or customary way of doing, making, saying, etc.: houses built in the 19th-century manner.
air of distinction: That old gentleman had quite a manner.
kind; sort: What manner of man is he? All manner of things were happening.
characteristic style in art, literature, or the like: verses in the manner of Spenser.
nature; character.
guise; fashion.
by all means; certainly.
under no circumstances; by no means; certainly not: She was by no manner of means a frivolous person.
so to speak; after a fashion; somewhat.
in a way; as it were; so to speak: We were, in a manner of speaking, babes in the woods.
He was a gentleman to the manner born.
accustomed by birth to a high position:He was a gentleman to the manner born.
used to a particular custom, activity, or role from birth.