Pronunciation: (v.mē'dē-āt"adj.mē'dē-it), [key] — v., adj. -at•ed, -at•ing,
—v.t. - to settle (disputes, strikes, etc.) as an intermediary between parties; reconcile.
- to bring about (an agreement, accord, truce, peace, etc.) as an intermediary between parties by compromise, reconciliation, removal of misunderstanding, etc.
- to effect (a result) or convey (a message, gift, etc.) by or as if by an intermediary.
—v.i. - to act between parties to effect an agreement, compromise, reconciliation, etc.
- to occupy an intermediate place or position.
—adj. - acting through, dependent on, or involving an intermediate agency; not direct or immediate.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.