Pronunciation: (mung'kē), [key] — n., pl. v., -keys, -keyed, -key•ing.
—n. - any mammal of the order Primates, including the guenons, macaques, langurs, and capuchins, but excluding humans, the anthropoid apes, and, usually, the tarsier and prosimians. Cf.
- the fur of certain species of such long-haired animals.
- a person likened to such an animal, as a mischievous, agile child or a mimic.
- a dance, deriving from the twist, in which the partners move their hands as if climbing a pole and jerk their heads back and forth.
- an addiction to narcotics.
- any of various mechanical devices, as the ram of a pile driver.
- a small passageway or opening.
- the sum of 500 pounds.
- a sheep.
- an addiction to a drug or drugs; narcotic dependency.
- an enduring and often vexing habit or urge.
- a burdensome problem, situation, or responsibility; personal affliction or hindrance.
- to cause to appear ridiculous; make a fool of.
—v.i. - to play or trifle idly; fool (often fol. by around or with).
—v.t. - to imitate; ape; mimic.
- to mock.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.