Pronunciation: (mō), [key] — v., mowed, mowed mown, mow•ing.
—v.t. - to cut down (grass, grain, etc.) with a scythe or a machine.
- to cut grass, grain, etc., from: to mow the lawn.
—v.i. - to cut down grass, grain, etc.
- The team mowed down its first four opponents.
- to destroy or kill indiscriminately or in great numbers, as troops in battle.
- to defeat, overwhelm, or overcome:The team mowed down its first four opponents.
- to knock down.
Pronunciation: (mou), [key] — n.
- the place in a barn where hay, sheaves of grain, etc., are stored.
- a heap or pile of hay or of sheaves of grain in a barn.
—v.t. - to store (hay) in a barn.
Pronunciation: (mou, mō), [key] — Archaic. Archaic.
—n. - a wry or derisive grimace.
—v.i. - to make mows, mouths, or grimaces.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.