Pronunciation: (n., adj.ôf'set", of'-v.ôf"set', of"-), [key] — n., adj., v., -set, -set•ting.
—n. - something that counterbalances, counteracts, or compensates for something else; compensating equivalent.
- the start, beginning, or outset.
- a short lateral shoot by which certain plants are propagated.
- an offshoot or branch of a family or race.
- any offshoot; branch.
- Also called
- a process in which a lithographic stone or metal or paper plate is used to make an inked impression on a rubber blanket that transfers it to the paper being printed, instead of being made directly on the paper.
- the impression itself.
- Also calledan unintentional transfer of excess or undried ink from one printed sheet to another.
- (in faults) the magnitude of displacement between two previously aligned bodies.
- a spur of a mountain range.
- a jog or short displacement in an otherwise straight and continuous line, as in a pipe, lever, or rod, made to avoid objects or to connect with other parts.
- setoff (def. 3).
- a short distance measured perpendicularly from a main survey line.
- Also calledoff&prim;set line&sec;.a line a short distance from and parallel to a main survey line.
- any of the coordinates by which any point on a hull being planned is located.
—adj. - of, noting, or pertaining to an offset.
- pertaining to, printed by, or suitable for printing by offset.
- placed away from a center line; off-center.
- placed at an angle to something, as to the axis of a form, shape, or object; not parallel.
—v.t. - to counterbalance as an equivalent does; compensate for: The gains offset the losses.
- to juxtapose with something else, as for purposes of comparison: to offset advantages against disadvantages.
- to make an offset of.
- to print by the process of offset lithography.
- to build with a setoff, as a wall.
- to establish (a line) parallel to a main survey line at an offset.
—v.i. - to project as an offset or branch.
- to counterbalance or compensate.
- to make an offset.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.