- Oklahoma (approved esp. for use with zip code).
Pronunciation: (ō'kā', ō"kā', ō'kā"), [key] — adj., adv., interj., n., pl. v., OK's, OK'd, OK'ing.
—adj. - all right; proceeding normally; satisfactory or under control: Things are OK at the moment.
- correct, permissible, or acceptable; meeting standards: Is this suit OK to wear to a formal party?
- doing well or in good health; managing adequately: She's been OK since the operation.
- adequate but unexceptional or unremarkable; tolerable: The job they did was OK, nothing more.
- estimable, dependable, or trustworthy; likable: an OK person.
—adv. - all right; well enough; successfully; fine: She'll manage OK on her own. He sings OK, but he can't tap dance.
- (used as an affirmative response) yes; surely.
- (used as an interrogative or interrogative tag) all right?; do you agree?
—interj. - (used to express agreement, understanding, acceptance, or the like): OK, I'll get it for you.
- (used as an introductory or transitional expletive): OK, now where were we?
—n. - an approval, agreement, or endorsement: They gave their OK to her leave of absence.
—v.t. - to put one's endorsement on or indicate one's approval of (a request, piece of copy, bank check, etc.); authorize; initial: Would you OK my application?
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.