Pronunciation: (out'fit"), [key] — n., v., -fit•ted, -fit•ting.
—n. - an assemblage of articles that equip a person for a particular task, role, trade, etc.: an explorer's outfit.
- a set of usually matching or harmonious garments and accessories worn together; coordinated costume; ensemble: a new spring outfit.
- a set of articles for any purpose: a cooking outfit.
- a group associated in an undertaking requiring close cooperation, as a military unit.
- a business firm engaged in a particular form of commercial enterprise: a construction outfit.
- any company, party, or set.
- the act of fitting out or equipping for any purpose, as for a voyage, journey, or expedition.
- mental, physical, or moral equipment.
—v.t. - to furnish with an outfit, equipment, etc.; fit out; equip: to outfit an expedition to the South Pole.
- to finish equipping (a vessel) at a dock.
—v.i. - to furnish oneself with an outfit.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.