Pronunciation: (v.ō"vur-sht'n.ō'vur-sht"), [key] — v., n. -shot, -shoot•ing,
—v.t. - to shoot or go over, beyond, or above; miss: The missile overshot its target.
- to pass or go by or beyond (a point, limit, etc.): to overshoot a stop sign.
- to shoot or pour down over: turbulent water overshooting the top of the dam.
- to overreach (oneself or itself&hasp;); go further than is intended or proper; go too far: It looked as though his self-confidence had overshot itself.
- (of an aircraft or pilot) to fly too far along (a landing strip) in attempting to land.
—v.i. - to fly or go beyond.
- to shoot over or above a mark.
—n. - a shooting beyond a specified point or target: two overshoots in the missile test series.
- the amount of excessive distance in a trajectory or route: a two-mile overshoot on the artillery range.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.