/ Dictionary / Index P peel: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: peel Pronunciation: (pēl), [key] — v.t. to strip (something) of its skin, rind, bark, etc.: to peel an orange. to strip (the skin, rind, bark, paint, etc.) from something: to peel paint from a car. to cause (another player's ball) to go through a wicket. —v.i. (of skin, bark, paint, etc.) to come off; become separated. to lose the skin, rind, bark, paint, etc. to undress. (of a malleable iron casting) to lose, or tend to lose, the outer layer. to watch closely or carefully; be alert: Keep your eyes peeled for a gas station. The old skin peeled off. to remove (the skin, bark, etc.) or be removed:The old skin peeled off. Aeron.to leave a flying formation of aircraft with a banking turn, usually from one end of an echelon. Informal.to turn off or leave (a road):We peeled off the highway onto a dirt road. to remove (clothing) in a swift upward or downward motion. —n. the skin or rind of a fruit, vegetable, etc. the presence of a brittle outer layer on a malleable iron casting. peel Pronunciation: (pēl), [key] — n. a shovellike implement for putting bread, pies, etc., into the oven or taking them out. a long, shovellike iron tool for charging an open-hearth furnace. peel Pronunciation: (pēl), [key] — n. a small fortified tower for residence or for use during an attack, common in the border counties of England and Scotland in the 16th century. Peel Pronunciation: (pēl), [key] — n. 1788–1850, British political leader: founder of the London constabulary; prime minister 1834–35; 1841–46. a seaport on W Isle of Man: castle; resort. 3295. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: peel (Thesaurus) Peekskill peel-and-stick Related Content Daily Word Quiz: immense Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language