Pronunciation: (pērs), [key] — v., pierced, pierc•ing.
—v.t. - to penetrate into or run through (something), as a sharp, pointed dagger, object, or instrument does.
- to make a hole or opening in.
- to bore into or through; tunnel.
- to perforate.
- to make (a hole, opening, etc.) by or as by boring or perforating.
- to make a way or path into or through: a road that pierces the dense jungle.
- to penetrate with the eye or mind; see into or through: She couldn't pierce his thoughts.
- to affect sharply with some sensation or emotion, as of cold, pain, or grief: The wind pierced her body. Her words pierced our hearts.
- to sound sharply through (the air, stillness, etc.): A pistol shot pierced the night.
—v.i. - to force or make a way into or through something; penetrate: to pierce to the heart.
Pronunciation: (pērs), [key] — n.
- 1804–69, 14th president of the U.S. 1853–57.
- born 1910, U.S. electrical engineer: helped develop communications satellites.
- a male given name, form of
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.