the letters and packages being delivered to a single recipient.
an established mail system or service, esp. under government authority.
See(def. 1).
(formerly) one of a series of stations along a route, for furnishing relays of men and horses for carrying mail, currency, etc.
(formerly) a person who traveled express, esp. over a fixed route, carrying mail, currency, etc.
a size of printing paper or, esp. in Britain, of drawing or writing paper, about 16 × 20 in. (41 × 51 cm).
a size of book, from about 5 × 8 in. to 5 × 8 in. (13 × 20 cm to 13 × 21 cm), untrimmed, in America; 5 × 8 in. (13 × 20 cm), untrimmed, in England. Abbr.: post 8vo
a size of book, about 8 × 10 in. (20 × 25 cm), untrimmed. Abbr.: post 4vo
to place in a post office or a mailbox for transmission; mail.
to transfer (an entry or item), as from the journal to the ledger.
to enter (an item) in due place and form.
to make all the requisite entries in (the ledger, etc.).
to supply with up-to-date information; inform: Keep me posted on his activities.
to rise from and descend to the saddle in accordance with the rhythm of a horse at a trot.
a prefix, meaning “behind,” “after,” “later,” “subsequent to,” “posterior to,” occurring originally in loanwords from Latin (postscript), but now used freely in the formation of compound words (post-Elizabethan; postfix; postgraduate; postorbital).