Pronunciation: (prep), [key] — n., adj., v., prepped, prep•ping.
—n. - See
- a preliminary or warm-up activity or event; trial run: The race is a good prep for the Kentucky Derby.
- preparation: dealer prep on the car included.
- the act of preparing a patient for a medical or surgical procedure.
—adj. - preparatory: a prep school.
- involving or used for preparation: the mortuary's prep room.
—v.t. - to prepare (a person) for a test, debate, etc.
- to prepare (a patient) for a medical or surgical procedure, as by shaving and washing the skin with an antibacterial soap.
- to prepare (a vehicle or craft) for sale, use, a test drive, or a race.
—v.i. - to prepare; get ready: to prep for the game.
- to attend a preparatory school.
- preparation.
- preparatory.
- prepare.
- preposition.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.