Pronunciation: (prit'ē), [key] — adj., n., pl. adv., v., -ti•er, -ti•est, -ties, -tied, -ty•ing.
—adj. - pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face.
- (of things, places, etc.) pleasing to the eye, esp. without grandeur.
- pleasing to the ear: a pretty tune.
- pleasing to the mind or aesthetic taste: He writes pretty little stories.
- (often used ironically) fine; grand: This is a pretty mess!
- considerable; fairly great: This accident will cost him a pretty sum.
- brave; hardy.
—n. - Usually,pretty ornaments, clothes, etc.
- a pretty person: Sit down, my pretty.
—adv. - fairly or moderately: Her work was pretty good.
- quite; very: The wind blew pretty hard.
- prettily.
- in an advantageous position.
- well-to-do; successful.
—v.t. - to make pretty; improve the appearance of (sometimes fol. by up): to pretty oneself for a party; to pretty up a room.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.