Pronunciation: (prīz), [key] — n.
- a reward for victory or superiority, as in a contest or competition.
- something that is won in a lottery or the like.
- anything striven for, worth striving for, or much valued.
- something seized or captured, esp. an enemy's ship and cargo captured at sea in wartime.
- the act of taking or capturing, esp. a ship at sea.
- a contest or match.
—adj. - having won a prize: a prize bull; a prize play.
- worthy of a prize.
- given or awarded as a prize.
Pronunciation: (prīz), [key] — prized, priz•ing.
- to value or esteem highly.
- to estimate the worth or value of.
Pronunciation: (prīz), [key] — v., n. prized, priz•ing,
—v.t. - pry.
—n. - leverage.
- a lever.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.