prize: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (prīz), [key]
— n.
  1. a reward for victory or superiority, as in a contest or competition.
  2. something that is won in a lottery or the like.
  3. anything striven for, worth striving for, or much valued.
  4. something seized or captured, esp. an enemy's ship and cargo captured at sea in wartime.
  5. the act of taking or capturing, esp. a ship at sea.
  6. a contest or match.
  1. having won a prize: a prize bull; a prize play.
  2. worthy of a prize.
  3. given or awarded as a prize.


Pronunciation: (prīz), [key]
— prized, priz•ing.
  1. to value or esteem highly.
  2. to estimate the worth or value of.


Pronunciation: (prīz), [key]
— v., n. prized, priz•ing,
  1. pry.
  1. leverage.
  2. a lever.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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