prostrate: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pros'trāt), [key]
— v., adj. -trat•ed, -trat•ing,
  1. to cast (oneself&hasp;) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration.
  2. to lay flat, as on the ground.
  3. to throw down level with the ground.
  4. to overthrow, overcome, or reduce to helplessness.
  5. to reduce to physical weakness or exhaustion.
  1. lying flat or at full length, as on the ground.
  2. lying face down on the ground, as in token of humility, submission, or adoration.
  3. overthrown, overcome, or helpless: a country left prostrate by natural disasters.
  4. physically weak or exhausted.
  5. submissive.
  6. utterly dejected or depressed; disconsolate.
  7. (of a plant or stem) lying flat on the ground.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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