an apparatus or machine for raising, driving, exhausting, or compressing fluids or gases by means of a piston, plunger, or set of rotating vanes.
a shore having a jackscrew in its foot for adjusting the length or for bearing more firmly against the structure to be sustained.
an animal organ that propels fluid through the body; heart.
a system that supplies energy for transport against a chemical gradient, as the sodium pump for the transfer of sodium and potassium ions across a cell membrane.
to increase government expenditure in an effort to stimulate the economy.
to support or promote the operation or improvement of something.
to raise, drive, etc., with a pump.
to free from water or other liquid by means of a pump.
to inflate by pumping (often fol. by up): to pump a tire up.
to operate or move by an up-and-down or back-and-forth action.
to supply with air, as an organ, by means of a pumplike device.
to drive, force, etc., as if from a pump: He rapidly pumped a dozen shots into the bull's-eye.
to supply or inject as if by using a pump: to pump money into a failing business.
to question artfully or persistently to elicit information: to pump someone for confidential information.
to elicit (information) by questioning.
to work a pump; raise or move water, oil, etc., with a pump.
to operate as a pump does.
to move up and down like a pump handle.
to exert oneself in a manner likened to pumping: He pumped away at his homework all evening.
to seek to elicit information from a person.
to come out in spurts.
See(def. 16).
The store has decided to pump up its advertising.
to inflate.
to increase, heighten, or strengthen; put more effort into or emphasis on; intensify:The store has decided to pump up its advertising.
to infuse with enthusiasm, competitive spirit, energy, etc.:The contestants were all backstage pumping themselves up for their big moment.