race: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (rās), [key]
— n., v., raced, rac•ing.
  1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.
  2. a series of races, usually of horses or dogs, run at a set time over a regular course: They spent a day at the races.
  3. any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: the arms race; the presidential race.
  4. urgent need, responsibility, effort, etc., as when time is short or a solution is imperative: the race to find an effective vaccine.
  5. onward movement; an onward or regular course.
  6. the course of time.
  7. the course of life or a part of life.
    1. a strong or rapid current of water, as in the sea or a river.
    2. the channel or bed of such a current or of any stream.
  8. an artificial channel leading water to or from a place where its energy is utilized.
  9. the current of water in such a channel.
  10. Also calleda channel, groove, or the like, for sliding or rolling a part or parts, as the balls of a ball bearing.
    1. the float between adjacent rows of pile.
    2. Seerace plate.
  1. to engage in a contest of speed; run a race.
  2. to run horses or dogs in races; engage in or practice horse racing or dog racing.
  3. to run, move, or go swiftly.
  4. (of an engine, wheel, etc.) to run with undue or uncontrolled speed when the load is diminished without corresponding diminution of fuel, force, etc.
  1. to run a race against; try to beat in a contest of speed: I'll race you to the water.
  2. to enter (a horse, car, track team, or the like) in a race or races.
  3. to cause to run, move, or go at high speed: to race a motor.


Pronunciation: (rās), [key]
  1. of or pertaining to the races of humankind.


Pronunciation: (rās), [key]
  1. a ginger root.


Pronunciation: (rās), [key]
  1. a cape at the SE extremity of Newfoundland.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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