Pronunciation: (n.rē'bātv.rē'bāt, ri&sylpbāt'), [key] — n., v., -bat•ed, -bat•ing.
—n. - a return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund.
—v.t. - to allow as a discount.
- to deduct (a certain amount), as from a total.
- to return (part of an original payment): He rebated five dollars to me.
- to provide a rebate for (merchandise) after purchase: The manufacturer is rebating this air conditioner.
- to blunt (an edged or pointed weapon).
- to cover the edge or point of (an edged or pointed weapon) in order to make it incapable of cutting or piercing.
—v.i. - to allow rebates, esp. as the policy or practice of a company, store, etc.
Pronunciation: (rē'bāt, rab'it), [key] — -bat•ed, -bat•ing.
- rabbet.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.