a device or apparatus that receives electrical signals, waves, or the like, and renders them perceptible to the senses, as the part of a telephone held to the ear, a radio receiving set, or a television receiving set.
a person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of a bankrupt business or person or to care for property in litigation.
a person appointed to receive money due.
a person who knowingly receives stolen goods for an illegal purpose; a dealer in stolen merchandise.
a device or apparatus for receiving or holding something; receptacle; container.
(in a firearm) the basic metal unit housing the action and to which the barrel and other components are attached.
a vessel for collecting and containing a distillate. See illus. under
a player on the offensive team who catches, is eligible to catch, or is noted for the ability to catch a forward pass: Jones was the receiver of the first pass thrown. He sent all his receivers downfield.