Pronunciation: (red), [key] — n., adj., red•der, red•dest.
—n. - any of various colors resembling the color of blood; the primary color at one extreme end of the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 610 and 780 nm.
- something red.
- (often cap.) a radical leftist in politics, esp. a communist.
- See(def. 1).
- red wine: a glass of red.
- Also calleda capsule of the drug secobarbital, usually red in color.
- operating at a loss or being in debt (opposed to in the black): The newspaper strike put many businesses in the red.
- See(def. 16).
- to become very angry; become enraged: Snobs make her see red.
—adj. - of the color red.
- having distinctive areas or markings of red: a red robin.
- of or indicating a state of financial loss or indebtedness: the red column in the ledger.
- radically left politically.
- (often cap.) communist.
- of, pertaining to, or characteristic of North American Indian peoples: no longer in technical use.
Pronunciation: (red), [key] — red, red•ding.
- redd.
Pronunciation: (red), [key] - a male or female given name.
- var. ofbefore a vowel or h in some words: redintegrate.
- a native English suffix, denoting condition, formerly used in the formation of nouns: hatred; kindred.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.