Pronunciation: (red'ī"), [key] — n.
- the condition of having bloodshot eyes, as from eyestrain or lack of sleep.
- a commercial airline flight between two distant points that departs late at night and arrives early in the morning.
- redeye (def. 3).
—adj. - of or indicating a long-distance flight that leaves late at night: the red-eye special from New York to Los Angeles.
Pronunciation: (red'ī"), [key] — n., pl. adj. -eyes, -eye
—n. - any of several fishes having red eyes, as the rock bass.
- See
- cheap, strong whiskey.
- red-eye (def. 2).
- (cap.)a shoulder-launched U.S. Army surface-to-air missile capable of destroying low-flying aircraft.
—adj. - red-eye.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.