a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like.
igneous rock.
mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable quantities in nature, as by the action of heat or water.
a particular kind of such matter:igneous rock.
stone in the mass: buildings that stand upon rock.
a stone of any size.
something resembling or suggesting a rock.
a firm foundation or support: The Lord is my rock.
a kind of hard candy, variously flavored.
a piece of money.
a dollar bill.
a diamond.
any gem.
crack (def. 41).
a pellet or lump of crack.
between undesirable alternatives.
Their marriage is on the rocks.
Informal.in or into a state of disaster or ruin:Their marriage is on the rocks.
Informal.without funds; destitute; bankrupt.
(of a beverage, esp. liquor or a cocktail) with, or containing, ice cubes:Scotch on the rocks; a vodka martini on the rocks.