Pronunciation: (rut), [key] — n., v., rut•ted, rut•ting.
—n. - a furrow or track in the ground, esp. one made by the passage of a vehicle or vehicles.
- any furrow, groove, etc.
- a fixed or established mode of procedure or course of life, usually dull or unpromising: to fall into a rut.
—v.t. - to make a rut or ruts in; furrow.
Pronunciation: (rut), [key] — n., v., rut•ted, rut•ting.
—n. - the periodically recurring sexual excitement of the deer, goat, sheep, etc.
—v.i. - to be in the condition of rut.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.