Pronunciation: (skrap), [key] — n., adj., v., scrapped, scrap•ping.
—n. - a small piece or portion; fragment: a scrap of paper.
- bits or pieces of food, esp. of leftover or discarded food.
- the remains of animal fat after the oil has been tried out.
- a detached piece of something written or printed: scraps of poetry.
- an old, discarded, or rejected item or substance for use in reprocessing or as raw material, as old metal that can be melted and reworked.
- chips, cuttings, fragments, or other small pieces of raw material removed, cut away, flaked off, etc., in the process of making or manufacturing an item.
—adj. - consisting of scraps or fragments.
- existing in the form of fragments or remnants of use only for reworking, as metal.
- discarded or left over.
—v.t. - to make into scraps or scrap; break up: to scrap old cars.
- to discard as useless, worthless, or ineffective: He urged that we scrap the old method of teaching mathematics.
Pronunciation: (skrap), [key] — n., v.i., scrapped, scrap•ping.
—n. - a fight or quarrel: She got into a scrap with her in-laws.
—v.i. - to engage in a fight or quarrel.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.