/ Dictionary / Index S settle: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: set•tle Pronunciation: (set'l), [key] — v., -tled, -tling. —v.t. to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions). to place in a desired state or in order: to settle one's affairs. to pay, as a bill. to close (an account) by payment. to migrate to and organize (an area, territory, etc.); colonize: The pilgrims settled Plymouth. to cause to take up residence: They settled immigrants in urban areas. to furnish (a place) with inhabitants or settlers: The French settled this colony with army veterans. to quiet, calm, or bring to rest (the nerves, stomach, etc.). to stop from annoying or opposing: A sharp word will settle that youngster. to conclude or resolve: to settle a dispute. to make stable; place in a permanent position or on a permanent basis. to cause (a liquid) to become clear by depositing dregs. to cause (dregs, sediment, etc.) to sink or be deposited. to cause to sink down gradually; make firm or compact. to dispose of finally; close up: to settle an estate. to secure (property, title, etc.) on or to a person by formal or legal process. to terminate (legal proceedings) by mutual consent of the parties. —v.i. to decide, arrange, or agree (often fol. by on or upon): to settle on a plan of action. to arrange matters in dispute; come to an agreement: to settle with a person. to pay a bill; make a financial arrangement (often fol. by up). to take up residence in a new country or place: Many Frenchmen settled along the Mississippi River following La Salle's explorations. to come to rest, as from flight: A bird settled on a bough. to gather, collect, or become fixed in a particular place, direction, etc.: A cold settled in my head. to become calm or composed (often fol. by down): I'll wait until the class settles before starting the lesson. to come to rest (often fol. by down): We settled down for the night at an old country inn. to sink down gradually; subside. to become clear by the sinking of suspended particles, as a liquid. to sink to the bottom, as sediment. to become firm or compact, as the ground. (of a female animal) to become pregnant; conceive. There were so many distractions that we weren't able to settle down to studying. to become established in some routine, esp. upon marrying, after a period of independence or indecision. to become calm or quiet. to apply oneself to serious work:There were so many distractions that we weren't able to settle down to studying. to be satisfied with: to settle for less. to become established in: to settle into a new routine. set•tle Pronunciation: (set'l), [key] — n. a long seat or bench, usually wooden, with arms and a high back. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: settle (Thesaurus) setting-up exercises settlement Related Content Daily Word Quiz: cautious Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language