Pronunciation: (shot'gun"), [key] — n., adj., v., -gunned, -gun•ning.
—n. - a smoothbore gun for firing small shot to kill birds and small quadrupeds, though often used with buckshot to kill larger animals.
- an offensive formation, designed primarily for passing situations, in which the backfield is spread out with the quarterback positioned a few yards behind the center and the other backs, as potential pass receivers, positioned as slotbacks or flankers.
- riding shotgun over the nation's economy.
- (formerly) to ride atop a stagecoach as a shotgun-bearing guard.
- to protect or keep a watchful eye on something:riding shotgun over the nation's economy.
—adj. - of, pertaining to, used in, or carried out with a shotgun: a shotgun murder; shotgun pellets.
- covering a wide area in an irregularly effective manner without concern for details or particulars; tending to be all-inclusive, nonselective, and haphazard; indiscriminate in choice and indifferent to specific results: He favored the shotgun approach in his political attacks.
- seeking a desired result through the use or inclusion of a wide variety of elements.
- having all the rooms opening one into the next in a line from front to back: shotgun apartment; shotgun cottage.
- gained or characterized by coercive methods.
—v.t. - to fire a shotgun at.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.