skate: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (skāt), [key]
— n., v., skat•ed, skat•ing.
  1. See(def. 1).
  2. See
  3. the blade of an ice skate.
  4. a skid on a lifeboat to facilitate launching from a listing ship.
  5. to make haste.
  1. to glide or propel oneself over ice, the ground, etc., on skates.
  2. to glide or slide smoothly along.
  3. to shirk one's duty; loaf.
  4. (of the tone arm on a record player) to swing toward the spindle while a record is playing.
  1. to slide (a flat) across the floor of a stage.
  2. to be or place oneself in a risky or delicate situation: Taking a public stand on the question would be skating on thin ice.


Pronunciation: (skāt), [key]
— pl. skate, skates.
  1. any of several rays of the genus Raja, usually having a pointed snout, as R. binoculatainhabiting waters along the Pacific coast of the U.S., growing to a length of 8 ft. (2.4 m).


Pronunciation: (skāt), [key]
— n. Slang.
  1. a person; fellow: He's a good skate.
  2. a contemptible person.
  3. an inferior, decrepit horse; nag.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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