the part of a gown, dress, slip, or coat that extends downward from the waist.
a one-piece garment extending downward from the waist and not joined between the legs, worn esp. by women and girls.
some part resembling or suggesting the skirt of a garment, as the flared lip of a bell or a protective and ornamental cloth strip covering the legs of furniture.
a small leather flap on each side of a saddle, covering the metal bar from which the stirrup hangs. See diag. under
baseboard (def. 1).
apron (def. 13).
Also called
a flat horizontal brace set immediately beneath the seat of a chair, chest of drawers, or the like, to strengthen the legs.
Also calledbed, frieze.a flat brace or support immediately beneath a tabletop.
Usually,the bordering, marginal, or outlying part of a place, group, etc.; the outskirts.
. a woman or girl.
an outer part of a rocket or missile that provides structural support or houses such systems as avionics or gyroscopes.
to lie on or along the border of: The hills skirt the town.
to border, wrap, or cover with a skirt or something suggesting a skirt in appearance or function.
to pass along or around the border or edge of: Traffic skirts the town.
to avoid, go around the edge of, or keep distant from (something that is controversial, risky, etc.): The senator skirted the issue.
to remove low-grade wool and foreign matter from (the outer edge of fleece).