/ Dictionary / Index S smack: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: smack Pronunciation: (smak), [key] — n. a taste or flavor, esp. a slight flavor distinctive or suggestive of something: The chicken had just a smack of garlic. a trace, touch, or suggestion of something. a taste, mouthful, or small quantity. —v.i. to have a taste, flavor, trace, or suggestion: Your politeness smacks of condescension. smack Pronunciation: (smak), [key] — v.t. to strike sharply, esp. with the open hand or a flat object. to drive or send with a sharp, resounding blow or stroke: to smack a ball over a fence. to close and open (the lips) smartly so as to produce a sharp sound, often as a sign of relish, as in eating. to kiss with or as with a loud sound. —v.i. to smack the lips. to collide, come together, or strike something forcibly. to make a sharp sound as of striking against something. —n. a sharp, resounding blow, esp. with something flat. a smacking of the lips, as in relish or anticipation. a resounding or loud kiss. —adv. smack Pronunciation: (smak), [key] — n. a fishing vessel, esp. one having a well for keeping the catch alive. any of various small, fully decked, fore-and-aft-rigged vessels used for trawling or coastal trading. smack Pronunciation: (smak), [key] — n. Slang. heroin. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: smack (Thesaurus) SMA smack-dab Related Content Daily Word Quiz: eureka Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language