small: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (smôl), [key]
— adj., adv., n. -er, -est, -er, -est,
  1. of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little: a small box.
  2. slender, thin, or narrow: a small waist.
  3. not large as compared with others of the same kind: a small elephant.
  4. (of letters) lower-case (def. 1).
  5. not great in amount, degree, extent, duration, value, etc.: a small salary.
  6. not great numerically: a small army.
  7. of low numerical value; denoted by a low number.
  8. having but little land, capital, power, influence, etc., or carrying on business or some activity on a limited scale: a small enterprise.
  9. of minor importance, moment, weight, or consequence: a small problem.
  10. humble, modest, or unpretentious: small circumstances.
  11. characterized by or indicative of littleness of mind or character; mean-spirited; petty: a small, miserly man.
  12. of little strength or force: a small effort.
  13. (of sound or the voice) gentle; with little volume.
  14. very young: when I was a small boy.
  15. diluted; weak.
  16. to be ashamed or mortified: Her unselfishness made me feel small.
  1. in a small manner: They talked big but lived small.
  2. into small pieces: Slice the cake small.
  3. in low tones; softly.
  1. something that is small: Do you prefer the small or the large?
  2. a small or narrow part, as of the back.
  3. those who are small: Democracy benefits the great and the small.
  4. small goods or products.
    1. underclothes.
    2. household linen, as napkins, pillowcases, etc.
  5. the responsions at Oxford University.
  6. coal, ore, gangue, etc., in fine particles.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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