snort: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (snôrt), [key]
— v.i.
  1. (of animals) to force the breath violently through the nostrils with a loud, harsh sound: The spirited horse snorted and shied at the train.
  2. (of persons) to express contempt, indignation, etc., by a similar sound.
  3. to take a drug by inhaling.
  1. to utter with a snort.
  2. to expel (air, sound, etc.) by or as by snorting.
  3. to take (a drug) by inhaling: to snort cocaine.
  1. the act or sound of snorting.
  2. a quick drink of liquor; shot.
    1. an act or instance of taking a drug by inhalation.
    2. the amount of drug inhaled.
  3. snorkel.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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