Pronunciation: (sod), [key] — n., v., sod•ded, sod•ding.
—n. - a section cut or torn from the surface of grassland, containing the matted roots of grass.
- the surface of the ground, esp. when covered with grass; turf; sward.
—v.t. - to cover with sods or sod.
Pronunciation: (sod), [key] — v. Archaic.
- pt. of
Pronunciation: (sod), [key] — sod•ded, sod•ding.
—v.t., - to damn: Sod the bloody bastard!
- to leave (usually as an imperative): Why don't you just sod off.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.