sore: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (sôr, sōr), [key]
— adj., n., adv. sor•er, sor•est,
  1. physically painful or sensitive, as a wound, hurt, or diseased part: a sore arm.
  2. suffering bodily pain from wounds, bruises, etc., as a person: He is sore because of all that exercise.
  3. suffering mental pain; grieved, distressed, or sorrowful: to be sore at heart.
  4. causing great mental pain, distress, or sorrow: a sore bereavement.
  5. causing very great suffering, misery, hardship, etc.: sore need.
  6. annoyed; irritated; offended; angered: He was sore because he had to wait.
  7. causing annoyance or irritation: a sore subject.
  1. a sore spot or place on the body.
  2. a source or cause of grief, distress, irritation, etc.
  1. sorely.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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