standing: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (stan'ding), [key]
— n.
  1. rank or status, esp. with respect to social, economic, or personal position, reputation, etc.: He had little standing in the community.
  2. good position, reputation, or credit: He is a merchant of standing in the community.
  3. length of existence, continuance, residence, membership, experience, etc.: a friend of long standing.
  4. a list of teams or contestants arranged according to their past records: According to the standings, the White Sox are leading the division by three games.
  5. the act of a person or thing that stands.
  6. a place where a person or thing stands.
  7. the right to initiate or participate in a legal action: having standing as a friend of the court.
  1. having an erect or upright position: a standing lamp.
  2. performed in or from an erect position: a standing jump.
  3. still; not flowing or stagnant, as water; stationary.
  4. continuing without cessation or change; lasting or permanent.
  5. continuing in operation, force, use, etc.: a standing rule.
  6. customary or habitual; generally understood: We have a standing bridge game every Friday night.
  7. kept for use in subsequent printings: standing type.
  8. out of use; idle: a standing engine.
  9. noting any of various objects or assemblages of objects fixed in place or position, unless moved for adjustment or repairs: standing bowsprit.
  10. noting the part of a rope that is in use and terminates in a knot or the like.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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