station: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (stā'shun), [key]
— n.
  1. a place or position in which a person or thing is normally located.
  2. a stopping place for trains or other land conveyances, for the transfer of freight or passengers.
  3. the building or buildings at such a stopping place.
  4. the district or municipal headquarters of certain public services: police station; fire station; postal station.
  5. a place equipped for some particular kind of work, service, research, or the like: gasoline station; geophysical station.
  6. the position, as of persons or things, in a scale of estimation, rank, or dignity; standing: the responsibility of persons of high station.
  7. a position, office, rank, calling, or the like.
  8. Tune to the Civil Defense station.
    1. a studio or building from which broadcasts originate.
    2. a person or organization originating and broadcasting messages or programs.
    3. a specific frequency or band of frequencies assigned to a regular or special broadcaster:Tune to the Civil Defense station.
    4. the complete equipment used in transmitting and receiving broadcasts.
    1. a military place of duty.
    2. a semipermanent army post.
  9. a place or region to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty.
  10. (formerly in India) the area in which the British officials of a district or the officers of a garrison resided.
  11. a particular area or type of region where a given animal or plant is found.
  12. a ranch with its buildings, land, etc., esp. for raising sheep.
    1. Also calledinstrument station, set-up.a point where an observation is taken.
    2. a precisely located reference point.
    3. a length of 100 ft. (30 m) along a survey line.
  13. a section or area assigned to a waiter, soldier, etc.; post: The waiter says this isn't his station.
  14. See
  15. the fact or condition of standing still.
  1. to assign a station to; place or post in a station or position.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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